#livetweeting Round 2


The feedback I received from the last round of tweeting suggested I prepare before the screening and pre-write some tweets. Another suggestion was to find academic sources that are relevant to the weekly screenings. I took this feedback and used it to make the second round of live tweeting a better experience and more successful. I also took techniques that I did well in that last round of tweeting and continued to do it this round.

I found that I was commenting a lot more and had a lot more thoughts on the films this time round. I also was able to respond better to other people’s tweets and engage more in commenting rather than likes and retweets, which I relied on a lot for engagement previously. I think this is a result of pre-writing some tweets as it meant I had more time to engage in other peoples posts and thoughts.

Below are some examples of threads that I was engaged in.



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Responding to the feedback, I used this round of tweeting to look into academic sources that relate to the film’s themes. These types of tweets got a fair bit of interactions which surprised me. I struggled to find academic sources in the first couple of screenings but as I began to understand the themes present in the film’s I was able to use draw on those for relevant sources.

BladeRunner2049 1

BladeRunner2049 3

I also tweeted a lot of popular media as I did in the last round of tweeting because these usually got a lot of interactions. Sometimes I found a good article and shared it and it didn’t get a lot of interaction. I would find popular media sources and pre-write these tweets before the screening.

Marjorie Prime 1

Robot and Frank 2

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This time I tried to include questions and thoughts on themes in my tweets. Some of these I came up with while doing prior research on the screening and some I wrote during the screening based on content that others were posting and new themes that I would notice in the movie. Some didn’t get the engagement I would have liked, as my intention was to. start conversation, but still drew some response.

Robot and Frank 1Marjorie Prime 2BladeRunner2049 2

There were a few tweets that didn’t get a lot of interaction. Some of these tweets I was surprised about because they were similar to other tweets that I wrote that did get a lot of interaction. A reason for this could be the wording, especially when tweeting popular media and academic sources. I found it hard to make the tweets for these sources more interesting and attention getting.

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In order to keep up with the films current content I also tweeted GIF’s and memes based on what I thought about events in the films to get interaction. Sometimes these got a fair bit of likes and sometimes they got no interaction at all. I think that in some cases this depended on the timing of the tweets.

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Overall, I think I did a better in this round of tweeting. I interacted more with comments rather than relying on likes and retweets. I found that researching the film and pre writing some tweets was helpful because I was able to spend more time interacting with others and writing about the themes of the film during the screening and posting academic sources and popular media in between. While I improved on commenting more than last time, I still think that I could have interacted more through commenting and will aim to improve in future subjects that require live tweeting. I could also do better with the wording of my tweets to make them more interesting and attention grabbing which I will aim to improve in future subjects.